-rw-r--r-- 1712 mceliece-sage-20221023/approximant.sage raw
# approximant() copied from https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/473 Algorithm 4.4
# see Theorem 4.1 for proof
# uses basic matrices and polys, not Sage's berlekamp_massey()
def approximant(t,k,A,B):
Return a,b in the polynomial ring k[x]
with gcd{a,b} = 1,
deg a <= t,
deg b < t,
and deg(aB-bA) < deg A - t.
"t" - a nonnegative integer
"k" - a field
"A" - an element of k[x]
"B" - an element of k[x] with deg A > deg B
assert t >= 0 and A.base_ring() == k and B.base_ring() == k
kpoly,n = A.parent(),A.degree()
assert n > B.degree()
M = [ [ B[t+n-1-i-j] for i in range(t+1)]
+ [-A[t+n-1-i-j] for i in range(t) ] for j in range(2*t)]
M = matrix(k,2*t,2*t+1,M)
ab = list(M.right_kernel().gens()[0])
a,b = kpoly(ab[:t+1]),kpoly(ab[t+1:])
d = gcd(a,b)
return a//d,b//d
# ---- miscellaneous tests
# copied from https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/473 Figure A.2
def test_smallrandom():
for q in range(100):
q = ZZ(q)
if not q.is_prime_power(): continue
print('approximant %d' % q)
k = GF(q)
kpoly.<x> = k[]
for loop in range(100):
Adeg = randrange(100)
A = kpoly([k.random_element() for j in range(Adeg)]+[1])
if Adeg == 0:
B = kpoly(0)
Bdeg = randrange(Adeg)
B = kpoly([k.random_element() for j in range(Bdeg+1)])
# note that B could actually have lower degree
t = randrange(Adeg+3)
a,b = approximant(t,k,A,B)
assert gcd(a,b) == 1
assert a.degree() <= t
assert b.degree() < t
assert a != 0
assert a*B-b*A == 0 or (a*B-b*A).degree() < A.degree()-t
if __name__ == '__main__':