-rw-r--r-- 5654 mceliece-sage-20221023/matgen.sage raw
import echelon
import parameters
def matgen(Gamma,params,check00=True):
Return the output of the Classic McEliece MatGen function
on input Gamma for the specified parameters.
The output is either False or (T,...),
where T is an mt x k matrix over F_2.
In the case (mu,nu) = (0,0),
a non-False output (T,...) is (T,Gamma).
For general (mu,nu),
a non-False output (T,...) is (T,c[m*t-mu],...,c[m*t-1],Gammaprime),
where c[...] are integers
with m*t-mu <= c[m*t-mu] < c[m*t-mu+1] < ... < c[m*t-1] < m*t-mu+nu,
Gammaprime = (g,alphaprime[0],...,alphaprime[n-1]),
and alphaprime[0],...,alphaprime[n-1] are distinct elements of F_q.
"Gamma" - a tuple (g,alpha[0],...,alpha[n-1])
where g is a monic irreducible polynomial in F_q[x] of degree t
and alpha[0],...,alpha[n-1] are distinct elements of F_q
"params" - a Classic McEliece parameter set
"check00" (optional, default True) -
if True, use simpler algorithm in the case (mu,nu) = (0,0);
this has no effect for other (mu,nu)
assert isinstance(params,parameters.parameters)
m = params.m
n = params.n
t = params.t
k = params.k
Fq = params.Fq
mu = params.mu
nu = params.nu
Gamma = tuple(Gamma)
assert len(Gamma) == n+1
g,alpha = Gamma[0],Gamma[1:]
assert all(alphaj in Fq for alphaj in alpha)
assert len(set(alpha)) == n
assert g.base_ring() == Fq
assert g.is_monic()
assert g.is_irreducible()
assert g.degree() == t
# "Compute the t x n matrix Htilde = {h_{i,j}} over F_q,
# where h_{i,j} = alpha_j^i/g(alpha_j)
# for i = 0,...,t-1 and j = 0,...,n-1."
# (same for the (0,0) case and the general case)
overgalpha = [1/g(alpha[j]) for j in range(n)]
Htilde = matrix(Fq,[[alpha[j]^i*overgalpha[j] for j in range(n)] for i in range(t)])
# "Form an mt x n matrix Hhat over F_2
# by replacing each entry u_0 + u_1 z + ... + u_{m-1} z^{m-1} of Htilde
# with a column of m bits u_0,u_1,...,u_{m-1}."
# (same for the (0,0) case and the general case)
F2 = GF(2)
Hintegers = [[Htildeij.integer_representation() for Htildeij in Htildei] for Htildei in Htilde]
Hhat = matrix(F2,[[1&(Hintegers[i//m][j]>>(i%m)) for j in range(n)] for i in range(m*t)])
if check00 and (mu,nu) == (0,0):
# "Reduce Hhat to systematic form (I_{mt} | T),
# where I_{mt} is an mt x mt identity matrix.
# If this fails, return False."
H = echelon.echelon(Hhat)
if not echelon.is_systematic(H): return False
# "Return (T,Gamma)."
T = H.matrix_from_columns(list(range(m*t,n)))
assert T.nrows() == m*t
assert T.ncols() == k
return T,Gamma
# "Reduce Hhat to (mu,nu)-semi-systematic form, obtaining a matrix H.
# If this fails, return False."
H = echelon.echelon(Hhat)
if not echelon.is_semi_systematic(H,mu,nu): return False
# "Now row i has its leading 1 in column c_i."
c = echelon.echelon_positions(H)
# "By definition of semi-systematic form,
# c_i = i for 0 <= i < mt-mu;
# and mt-mu <= c_{mt-mu} < c_{mt-mu+1} < ... < c_{mt-1} < mt-mu+nu."
assert all(c[i] == i for i in range(m*t-mu))
assert all(c[i] <= i-mu+nu for i in range(m*t))
# "Set (alpha'_0,alpha'_1,...,alpha'_{n-1}) <- (alpha_0,alpha_1,...,alpha_{n-1})."
alphaprime = list(alpha)
# "For i = mt-mu, then i = mt-mu+1, and so on through i = mt-1, in this order:
# swap column i with column c_i in H, while swapping alpha'_i with alpha'_{c_i}."
for i in range(m*t-mu,m*t):
alphaprime[i],alphaprime[c[i]] = alphaprime[c[i]],alphaprime[i]
for j in range(H.nrows()):
H[j,i],H[j,c[i]] = H[j,c[i]],H[j,i]
# "After the swap, row i has its leading 1 in column i."
assert H[i][:i] == 0
assert H[i][i] == 1
# "The matrix H now has systematic form (I_{mt} | T),
# where I_{mt} is an mt x mt identity matrix."
assert echelon.is_systematic(H)
T = H.matrix_from_columns(list(range(m*t,n)))
# "Return (T,c_{mt-mu},...,c_{mt-1},Gamma')
# where Gamma' = (g,alpha'_0,alpha'_1,...,alpha'_{n-1}). ...
# In the special case (mu,nu) = (0,0) ...
# Gamma' is guaranteed to be the same as Gamma."
Gammaprime = (g,)+tuple(alphaprime)
if (mu,nu) == (0,0): assert Gammaprime == Gamma
return (T,)+tuple(c[m*t-mu:m*t])+(Gammaprime,)
def test1():
for system in parameters.alltests:
P = parameters.parameters(system,allowtestparams=True)
Fq = P.Fq
Fqx.<x> = Fq[]
m = P.m
t = P.t
n = P.n
mu = P.mu
nu = P.nu
tries = 0
while True:
print('matgen %s' % system)
tries += 1
while True:
g = Fqx.random_element(t)
if g.is_irreducible(): break
g /= g.leading_coefficient()
alpha = list(Fq)
alpha = alpha[:n]
Gamma = tuple([g]+alpha)
result = matgen(Gamma,P)
if (mu,nu) == (0,0):
assert result == matgen(Gamma,P,check00=False)
# "The general algorithm definition thus matches the (0,0) algorithm definition."
if result == False: continue
T = result[0]
c = result[1:-1]
Gammaprime = result[-1]
assert T.nrows() == m*t
assert T.ncols() == n-m*t
if (mu,nu) == (0,0):
assert len(c) == 0
assert Gammaprime == Gamma
assert list(c) == sorted(set(c))
assert all(cj >= m*t-mu for cj in c)
assert all(cj < m*t-mu+nu for cj in c)
assert Gammaprime[0] == g
alphaprime = Gammaprime[1:]
assert len(alphaprime) == n
assert sorted(alphaprime) == sorted(alpha)
print('successful matgen; tries: %d' % tries)
if __name__ == '__main__':